AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Alena Revutskaya
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DOI: 10.46793/LLD24.206R
The present article aims to investigate the dialogical dimension of poetic metaphor. Seminal works have described the “space as text” (Bachelard, 1961; Toporov 1983) and determined movement in space as dialogical (Barthes 1985). Moreover, urban space constitutes a discourse resulting from a multitude of dialogues preceding the space itself (Butor 1982). Recent studies have shown that conceptualization of space is necessarily dialogical (Zamyatin 2020). In no case, however, have metaphorical representations of space in poetry been described dialogically nor has the dialog been analyzed in poetic metaphors. The objective of the present study is to describe the dialogical dimension of metaphors representing urban space in poetic texts by the Polish interwar author Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska (1891–1945). The corpus of the study consists of Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s selected poems comprising around 10,400 words and covering the years 1922–1942. The corpus of the original texts is completed with their Russian translations made by different translators. Words denoting urban space have been retrieved according to semantic criteria and their contexts have been examined to identify metaphorical uses (Pragglejaz group, 2007; Steen et al., 2010). According to preliminary results, metaphors for space in Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s poetic discourse are reflective of the dialog with urban space perceived as a human being.
poetry, metaphor, dialog, urban space, metaphorical representation
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