The most frequently used plants in the treatment of the respiratory diseases in the Pirot District (Serbia)

Етноботаника 4 (2024), Том 2 (стр. 1-29)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Biljana M. Nikolić, Marija S. Marković, Dejan S. Pljevljakušić, Ljubinko B. Rakonjac, Sonja Z. Braunović, Filip A. Jovanović, Vesna P. Stankov Jovanović

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DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot24.001N


A total of 531 informants were surveyed on the knowledge and use of plants in the treatment of respiratory diseases, in the four municipalities of the Pirot District, namely Pirot, Babušnica, Bela Palanka, and Dimitrovgrad. Out of 65 plant taxa used against respiratory system disorders, thyme, chamomile, and elderberry were the most commonly known by rural populations, while predominantly reported plant families were Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, and Malvaceae. The percentage of forms for internal uses was significantly higher than that of external uses, and the most frequently used parts of plants were the aerial parts. The preparation form of infusion was the most commonly used. The presented ethnobotanical data could be a strong basis for further pharmacological studies.


ethnobotany, Thymus spp., Matricaria chamomilla, Sambucus nigra


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