АУТОР(И): Marija S. Marković, Dejan S. Pljevljakušić, Biljana M. Nikolić, Sonja Z. Braunović, Vesna P. Stankov Jovanović, Ljubinko B. Rakonjac
Е-АДРЕСА: markovicsmarija9@gmail.com
DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot23.085M
A total of 633 informants were surveyed on the knowledge and use of wild fruit species, and 631 informants on knowledge and use of medicinal plants, in the four municipalities of the Pirot District: Pirot, Babušnica, Bela Palanka, and Dimitrovgrad.
Wild apple was mentioned by 316 respondents, i.e. 49.92% of the total number of respondents, according to the first questionnaire. According to the second questionnaire, two respondents reported the internal use of wild apple fruit in the form of vinegar against high cholesterol, one respondent reported the use of the flower in the form of infusion against urinary tract inflammation, and one respondent reported the use of fresh fruit for circulation.
The use against high cholesterol, as well as against urinary tract inflammation, can be considered novelties in our research because they were not mentioned in previously published ethnobotanical papers on the Balkan Peninsula.
Malus sylvestris, wild fruit species, medicinal use, Pirot District
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