Teaching Mathematics During the Covid-19 Pandemic – Examining the Perceptions of Class Teachers and Mathematics Teachers

Наука, настава, учење у измењеном друштвеном контексту (2021) (стр. 501-518)

АУТОР(И): Aleksandra Mihajlović, Nenad Vulović, Sanja Maričić

Е-АДРЕСА: aleksandra.mihajlovic@pefja.kg.ac.rs, vlnenad@gmail.com, sanjamaricic10@gmail.com

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DOI: 10.46793/NNU21.501M


The aim of this study was to investigate how class teachers and math teachers in Serbia perceived the possibilities, effects, and challenges of teaching mathematics online during the COVID-19 pandemic. We prepared a questionnaire that was implemented at the end of 2019/2020. The sample comprised 239 teachers, 141 class teachers and 98 math teachers. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used for data analysis. The results suggest that, although the experience of online teaching had a positive effect on the teachers’ self-reported competence in using ICT tools, even more attention should be given to strengthening teachers’ pedagogical skills referring to teaching mathematics in an online learning environment. In general, teachers were satisfied with the quality of instruction they demonstrated. However, they were not satisfied with the quality of student knowledge. In addition, they faced certain challenges in the implementation of online teaching and learning, such as objective grading and assessment, as well as monitoring student progress, maintaining communication with parents, and motivating and engaging students. The majority of teachers stated that teaching math online had more disadvantages than advantages. Teachers’ responses also indicated that they tended to use ICT tools in a more traditional way.


mathematics education, COVID-19, online teaching and learning, class teachers, mathematics teachers.


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