Узданица XVII 1 (2020), (стр. 345-358)

АУТОР(И): Nataša M. Vukićević, Vesna М. Petrović


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DOI: 10.18485/uzdanica.2020.17.1.22


This paper presents the results of an experimental research that examines the effects of a multimodal approach, compared to the usual approach, to the development of abilities to distinguish tone pitches in children aged 5;6–6;0. The experimental program was designed by combining four principles: known music material, two tone pitches, spatial−visual coding of pitches by means of pictorial notes, and pitch coding through movement of hands. The sample included 83 children – 39 in experimental and 44 children in control group. After the completion of the experimental program, the results have shown that the experimental group significantly improved in distinguishing tone pitches compared to the control group. The analysis has shown that the main psychological mechanism of progression was conveying auditory information through motor and pictorial signs, followed by their internalization into the inner mental plan in the form of music representations.


tone pitch, cognitive tool, learning music, early age


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