Узданица XVII 1 (2020), (стр. 261-271)

АУТОР(И): Emina M. Kopas-Vukašinović, Vera M. Savić


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DOI: 10.18485/uzdanica.2020.17.1.16


Designing curriculum content includes the development of modern strategies for teaching and learning in the context of developing an individual’s ability to think, explore, learn through activity and express own creative potentials. The aim of the paper was to determine whether student teachers recognize the importance of designing teaching contents (DTC) in the educational process. The data was collected through a focus group interview with student teachers of master studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Kragujevac, Jagodina (Serbia). The student teachers’ views on the quality of university teaching clearly point to their need and willingness to design curriculum content for more efficient teaching, and stress the significance of DTC for enhancing the quality of education.


cooperative learning, thematic linking of contents, appropriate feedback, standards in higher education, knowledge management system


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