Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 1 (2019)

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Authors: Reti Tamils, Ali Akbar
Keywords: Irregularity measure; total irregularity; nonregular graph


Authors: Matejić M.M., Milošević P.D., Milovanović E.I., Milovanović I.Ž.


Authors: Kant Tiwari Shiv, Narayan Mishra Lakshmi
Keywords: Simulation function; Admissible mapping; Fixed point; Contraction mapping


Authors: Jovanović G.S., Stojčev M.K., Vučković S.D.
Keywords: Subthreshold; weak inversion; operational transconductance amplifier; low-power


Authors: Petrov Miroslav S., Todorov Todor D.
Keywords: Measure of degeneracy; congruence classes; refinement strategies