АУТОР(И): Branka Uzelac, Dragana Stojičić, Snežana Budimir, Svetlana Tošić, Bojan Zlatković, Saša Blagojević, Branislav Manić, Mirjana Janjanin, Violeta Slavkovska
Е-АДРЕСА: branka@ibiss.bg.ac.rs
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT27.345U
Secondary metabolism in plant plays a major role in the survival of the plant in its ecosystem, mediating the interaction of the plant with its environment. Plant bioactive compounds are biosynthesized as a defensive strategy of plants in response to natural perturbations. A number of biological effects have been associated with the main monoterpenoids detected in investigated Micromeria spp. and Clinopodium spp. essential oils. One alternative for the production of these prospective biocontrol products is in vitro plant tissue culture. Our data suggest that the metabolic potential of in vitro shoot cultures of selected species can be manipulated by varying in vitro culture conditions.
essential oil, glandular trichomes, micropropagation, terpenoids
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