Minimalist Intersections
Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Music and Minimalism
DOI: 10.46793/MinInters
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Zafer Özgen, A Sonic Ecology: Nature, Sound, and Environmental Aesthetics in John Luther Adams’s Become Trilogy | 10.46793/MinInters.015O | 15-30 |
Twila Bakker, Pond Study: An Exploration of the Details Below the Surface of Ann Southam’s Spatial View of Pond | 10.46793/MinInters.031B | 31-48 |
Christoph Schuller, Modernism – Postmodernism – Anti-Americanism? The Negative Reception of American Minimal Music in West Germany | 10.46793/MinInters.049S | 49-69 |
Blanka Bogunović, Nikola Dedić, The Socio-cultural and Psychological Crossroads of a Minimalist Composer – Miroslav Miša Savić | 10.46793/MinInters.070B | 70-87 |
Jelena Janković-Beguš, Vlastimir Trajković, the (non-)minimalist | 10.46793/MinInters.088JB | 88-104 |
Rita de Cássia Domingues dos Santos, Developments of Postminimalism in Brazil: Gilberto Mendes’s Abertura Issa and Rita Domingues dos Santos’s Cartas para Yataro | 10.46793/MinInters.105S | 105-133 |
Paul David Kean, The Analysis, Performance and Memorisation of John Adams’s Phrygian Gates | 10.46793/MinInters.135K | 135-157 |
Tingting Yang, Reshaping and Revelation: Structural Constructions in Philip Glass’s Trilogy of Vocal Symphonies | 10.46793/MinInters.158Y | 158-176 |
Ulli Götte, Nik Bärtsch’s Special Fusion Approach to Minimal Music: Analysis of His Works and Aesthetic Evaluation | 10.46793/MinInters.177G | 177-200 |
Sonja Lončar, Andrija Pavlović, LP Duo – Minimalism as a Bridge to (Neo)Classical Piano Music and Beyond | 10.46793/MinInters.201L | 201-212 |
José Francisco Ielpi, A translation of Beckett, Two Actors and a Group of Musicians: Minimalism and Absurdity in Carlos Mastropietro’s Viejo nal de Partida | 10.46793/MinInters.213I | 213-228 |
Nikoleta Dojčinović, Minimalist Elements in Vladimir Tošić’s Atmospheric Music for Television. Case Study: The Yellow House | 10.46793/MinInters.229D | 229-252 |
Hiske Krammer, Echoes from the Quarry: Voice as Archaeological Tool for Performing the Traumatized Body in Meredith Monk’s Performance Quarry: an opera in three movements (1976) | 10.46793/MinInters.253K | 253-270 |