Категорија 2019

Photostability of bacteriochlorophyll „a“ and bacteriopheophytin „a“ against UV-A, UV-B and visible light treatments in methanol solutions

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.2 (2019) (стр. 82-97)  АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Aleksandar Lazarević, Sanja Petrović, Dragan Cvetković, Ljiljana Stanojević, Mirjana Cvijović, Jelena Zvezdanović Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: jelite74@yahoo.com Download Full Pdf    DOI: 10.46793 САЖЕТАК / ABSTRACT: Bacteriochlorins as the porphyrins…


In silico study on the apicoplast L4 ribosomal protein and three domains from 23S rRNA from „Plasmodium falciparum“ and comparison with the existing cocrystal structures

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.2 (2019) (стр. 50-65)  АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Biljana Arsic, Jill Barber Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: ba432@ymail.com Download Full Pdf    DOI: 10.46793 САЖЕТАК / ABSTRACT: We performed preliminary computational studies on the construction of a segment of…


Textbook presentation: „Rational Design of Bioactive Compounds: From Theoretical to the Practical Approach“ by authors: Milan Mladenovic, Rino Ragno, Nevena Stankovic, Nezrina Mihovic

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.2 (2019) (стр. 46-49)  АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Danijela Kostić Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: danijelaaakostic@yahoo.com Download Full Pdf    DOI: 10.46793 САЖЕТАК / ABSTRACT: КЉУЧНЕ РЕЧИ / KEYWORDS: ЛИТЕРАТУРА / REFERENCES:


Chemical composition and biological activities of „Umbilicaria crustulosa“ and „Umbilicaria cylindrica“ extracts

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.2 (2019) (стр. 30-45)  АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Zlatanović Ivana, Stojanović Gordana Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: ivana.zlatanovic@pmf.edu.rs Download Full Pdf    DOI: 10.46793 САЖЕТАК / ABSTRACT: The main compounds of acetone, methanol, ether and ethyl acetate extracts of…


Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters for Degradation of Anthocyanins from Red Currant and Sour Cherry Juices by Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Cu(II)

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.1 (2019) (стр. 76-95)  АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Jovana Lj. Pavlović, Milan N. Mitić, Sonja M. Janković Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: jovanapavlovic@ymail.com Download Full Pdf    DOI: 10.46793 САЖЕТАК / ABSTRACT: The kinetics of anthocyanins degradation in the…
